Make your first function call

Let’s make a simple function call to retrieve the SDK version. It allows you to check whether the SDK works correctly. You can examine the response in the Console tab of your browser’s DevTools.

  • With SDK installed using npm

  • With SDK embbed in browser

import { TentuPlay } from '@tentuplay/js-client-sdk';

const tp = new TentuPlay({
	clientKey: "{clientKey}", (1)
tp.onInit(() => {
1 This is the client key that you obtained from the TentuPlay console.
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8"/>
	<title>TentuPlay JavaScript SDK</title>
	<script src="YOUR_SDK_FILE_PATH"></script>
		const tp = new TentuPlay({
			clientKey: "{clientKey}", (1)
		tp.onInit(() => {
1 This is the client key that you obtained from the TentuPlay console.
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