Evaluate personas
This page gives more information about how a persona performed by using three key peformaance indicators.
Notable Personas
You can view Notable Personas in AI In-Game Shop > Persona Analysis > Notable Personas. Notable personas represent the personas that affect influence the revenue, IAPs, and ad views the most.
To raise retention and revenue by discovering "who" to target, use the following guideline:
Recognize the personas with high retention rates and offer them IAPs or ad views to increase revenue.
Identify the personas that make the most IAPs and cater to their needs to increase revenue.
Notice the personas that view ads the most and use their characteristics to maintain retention while increasing ad views.
The 3 personas with the highest retention rate
Increase revenue by offering the persona groups with high retention rates IAP or ads.
In the demo data, the persona with the highest retention rate is Smart and Busy. Increase revenue by selling items to Smart and Busy players who show high retention rates.
A Smart and Busy player is a player who uses their currency effectively to grow quickly in comparison to the amount of time that they invest in playing. If you offer an item which will consistently provide Smart and Busy players with currency to invest, they are more likely to make a purchase.
If you implement the Smart and Busy CRM, you can offer items and content that Smart and Busy players would enjoy.
The 3 personas with the highest IAP revenue
Increase purchases and revenue by advertising products to persona groups that have high IAP revenue metrics.
The demo data shows that the persona group with the largest IAP revenue is PvP From the Jump. Offer products to PvP From the Jump players and increase revenue.
A PvP From the Jump player wants to be stronger than other players while playing, so tends to jump into PvP play fairly early in the game. It suggests that they are likely in a constant cycle of losing due to lacking experience, level, items, and so on in comparison to other players. If you offer a PvP From the Jump player items and characters that can help them win in PvP content, they are more likely to make a purchase.
If you implement the PvP From the Jump CRM, you can recommend products and content which will help PvP From the Jump players increase their win rate in PvP content.
The 3 personas with the most ad views
Increase your ad revenue by offering more ads to persona groups that have the most ad views.
In the demo data, the persona group with the most ad views is F2P With Grandiose Expectations
F2P With Grandiose Expectations players are players who have no intention of purchasing a product, but have high expectations that they will be able to play and clear a large amount of content while playing for free. By offering F2P With Grandiose Expectation users rewarded ads that will help them reach the next level of content, you can increase your ad revenue.
By implementing the F2P With Grandiose Expectations CRM, you can identify the F2P With Grandiose Expectations players and offer additional ads only for them.
Retention rates per persona
To gain insights for increasing retention rates per persona, refer to the following guideline:
Compare D1 Retention Rate and D14 Retention Rate to see the changes in retention rate.
From Last Stage Before Churn, Last Level Before Churn, you can gain specific insight as to what to do to increase retention rate.
Retention summary
You can identify the effects of a persona on retention rate by viewing D1 Retention Rate, D14 Retention rate. You can also see the stage and the level at which players are when they churn.
D1 Retention rate: The total percentage of users who remain in the game after join date + 1 days between in a certain persona group and in the whole user group.
D14 Retention rate: The total percentage of users who remain in the game after join date + 14 days between in a certain persona group and in the whole user group.
Last Stage Before Churn: Compare the final stage before churn between the persona group and the whole user group to gather stage information to increase retention rate of specific personas.
Last Level Before Churn: Compare the final level before churn between the persona group and the whole user group to gather level information to increase retention rate of specific personas.
Changes in retention rate by persona
Check the differences in retention rate between a persona and all users, gain insight by considering the characteristics of each persona to increase retention rate.
In the demo data, Guide Followers have a lower D1 Retention Rate compared to all users.
Guide Followers have a tendancy to follow top rated users' strategies and guides to maximize efficiency. They look for the information to help learn effective strategies of top rated users and quickly make a decision whether they continue to play a game. Therefore, it’s possible that their early stage retention is lower than other users.
If you implement the Guide Followers CRM, you can provide information and strategies of top players to Guide Followers and thus can lead them to play longer, increasing retention rate.
Stages that lead to churn by persona
Gain information about stages that can be used to raise retention rates by examining the final stage persona groups reached before churn.
The demo data shows that the average Smart and Busy persona users reached stage 11-2, whereas the average stage before churn for the entire user base was 3-6.
Smart and Busy players can quickly and efficiently grow in a short amount of time, so they reach higher stages faster than other users. Therefore, if you provide Smart and Busy players with offers of items that can help them grow to get to the stage 11-2 faster, you can increase retention.
By using the Smart and Busy CRM, you can offer items that will help Smart and Busy players grow.
Level reached before churn by persona
Check the average level reached before churn by persona and for the whole user base. By considering the characteristics of each persona, you can gain information about leveling that can help increase retention.
According to the demo data, Guide Followers churn after reaching level 7 on average while the majority of other users churn after reaching level 3.
Guide Followers tend to follow top players' strategies, meaning that they can reach higher levels faster than other users. Therefore, if you recommend strategies for Guide Followers around the time they reach around level 7, this can lead to increased retention.
By using the Guide Follower CRM, you can recommend top players' strategies to Guide Follower players.
IAP analysis by persona
To gain insight about how to increase IAP (in-app purchases) by persona, refer to the following information:
You can check the key performance indicators of IAP analysis like Revenue, ARPU (average revenue per user), and ARPPU (average revenue per paying user) by persona.
You can identify the metrics such as IAP %, Point of IAP, IAP Stage, IAP Level and increase IAP revenue by persona.
IAP summary
Identify the effects of a persona quickly and efficiently by analyzing metrics such as Revenue, ARPU, and ARPPU.
Revenue: Compare the revenue of all IAPs to the total revenue of IAPs of a persona.
ARPU: Compare the ARPU of all users to the ARPU of a persona.
ARPPU: Compare the ARPPU of all users to the ARPPU of a persona.
Most Purchased product: Compare the most purchased product of all users to the most purchased product of a persona and find what kind of products most fit the need of a persona.
Purchase rates by persona
Check how much a selected persona account for of the total IAPs.
The demo data shows that the Smart and Busy persona segment has a higher purchase rate than the average of all users, for example, in the segment for users who have spent $50 or more. By using this information, you can try and offer Smart and Busy players the products that worth more than $50 and increase IAP revenue.
Purchase days by persona
Check the trends of IAP points by persona and for all users to gain insight as to when to offer products to users.
In the demo data, Guide Followers have a higher rate of D0 purchases in comparison to other users.
Guide Followers have the characteristic of following the steps of top rated users when it comes to growth and strategy. They also tend to be able to identify the most efficient products and purchase early and quickly. Considering that Guide Followers will purchase efficient items earlier than other users, they are more likely to buy if you offer highly efficient products early.
If you offer them efficient products by using the Guide Follower CRM, you can increase purchases and increase revenue.
Purchase stages by persona
Compare which stages the users of a certain persona played last before making a purchase to those of all users and combine this information with the characteristics of a persona to gain insight as to how to increase IAP.
In the demo data, Character Collectors made a purchase after stage 2-3 more often than the average purchase rate of the whole user group.
The Character Collector persona users are more interested in collecting a variety of characters over efficiency. It may result in the higher purchase rates later in the game in comparison to the rates of the entire user base. Therefore, if you offer Character Collectors a product which will help them collect other characters at relatively late-game points such as stage 2-3, you can increase purchases.
You can offer useful products for character collecting to Character Collectors by using the Character Collector CRM.
Purchase levels by persona
Compare which levels the users of a certain persona reached before making a purchase to those of all users and combine this information with the characteristics of a persona to gain insight as to how to increase IAP.
The demo data shows that Smart and Busy players usually made their first purchase at level 7 whereas the average for all users was level 3.
Smart and Busy players can grow quickly in a short amount of time by using their currency efficiently. It means that they can reach higher levels faster before feeling the need to make a purchase compared to other users. Therefore, if you offer Smart and Busy players the products which can help them maintain their quick growth around the time they reach level 7, you can increase the likelihood of users making a purchase.
You can offer Smart and Busy players the products that include the currency they need to continue their fast growth by using the Smart and Busy CRM.
Purchased product by persona
You can compare which products are most commonly purchased between personas and the total user base.
According to the demo data, the Smart and Busy players tend to favor products that include the currency they need to grow in comparison to the purchase rate of all users, shown by their higher purchase rate of Coin_Package_01.