Evalute messages

You can check out a message’s performance in the In-App Message > In-App Message page of TentuPlay console.

  • Sends: The number of in-app messages sent

  • Impressions: The number of messages received by user devices

  • Opens: The number of messages that were opened by users who received the messages

  • Clicks : The number of clicks on the buttons containing the associated events

  • Clicks(%) : (Clicks / Impressions) × 100

  • Estimated Revenue: The total amount of purchases made through the campaign

    A purchase is considered to have been made through a campaign in the following cases:

    • If a user purchase an item after clicking the associated button in the campaign without clicking one in another campaign

    • If a user purchase an item within 7 days after clicking the associated button in the campaign

  • The performance indicators for Send immediately are updated within 24 hours after sending.

  • The performance indicators for the campaign are updated within 24 hours after the campaign has started.